Mar 4, 2020 | News, Scholar Accomplishments, Uncategorized
Kelsey Walak is a chemical engineering student minoring in mathematics who recently completed her first co-op as a ROUTES Scholar in Fall 2019. Kelsey became a ROUTES Scholar to learn more about conducting environmental research with Dr. Loretta Fernandez. In her role...
Apr 16, 2019 | Conferences, News, Scholar Accomplishments, Uncategorized
On April 4th, current and past ROUTES Scholar’s presented their research via posters at Northeastern University’s Research, Innovation and Scholarship Expo (RISE: 2019). Every year RISE brings together over 2000 “industry leaders, entrepreneurs, investors,...
Mar 12, 2019 | News, Scholar Accomplishments, Uncategorized
Kaleigh McAlaine is a fourth-year Environmental Engineering student with a minor in Marine Biology at Northeastern University and recently completed her co-op with ROUTES in December 2018. During her co-op, Kaleigh worked under the mentorship of ROUTES & PROTECT...